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68K Disassembler

June 2016



There is likely no better way to understand a machine language other than developing a program that can decode the language.


This project spanned approximately four weeks and required our team of three to develop a test plan, team coding standards, and a disassembler written in Easy68K for the Motorola 68000 microprocessor. The task of the disassembler was to take a binary assembly language code file and convert it back to its original assembly source code text in a human readable form.


We combined our ideas into one solution, but much of the difficulty our team faced was related to getting everyone familiarized with how the solution would work. I took the task of designing how the subroutines would function as well was what registers would be used for what purposes. Once everyone understood how all the disassembler subroutines were designed, everyone was able to work simultaneously on the project.

OP-Code Recognition
Code Snippet
Team Members


Robert Griswold

Eric Mitchell

Brian Lorton

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